Wednesday, February 4, 2015

"Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back"

2 years later & I've finally decided to return the "The Little Librarian!" Life, school, then work got in the way & I let this blog fall to the wayside, but never fear! I'll be posting my recipes, book reviews & general thoughts on life here on the blog again. Here's a little update on what's been going on since the last time I 2012.

I rescued a dog. I seriously never knew how crazy I could be over an animal until I rescued a sickly little puppy. After some initial bumps in the road (parvo, mange, a rat poison "incident"), I'm happy to say the little guy is healthy & happy today. He just turned 2 in December & we'll be celebrating his Adoptaversary on April 27 (don't judge me).

I accepted a position as the Director of the Watervliet Public Library. After finishing my Masters, I moved home & was definitely feeling a little lost. This opportunity came about so I took a chance & applied. It was a huge learning experience, especially the first few months, but I can honestly say I love working there. Programming has quickly become my favorite aspect of the position & the patrons there are really great. It's a small library with a fantastic sense of community that I consider myself lucky to be a part of!

Those are the two most important updates to my life, as I will mention my job & my dog frequently. My dog is my little sidekick so I'm sure he'll be a frequent guest in my posts. Last, but not least, I'm currently in week 3 of a 12 week challenge at the gym & I think I'm dying. Updates for how that is going (or isn't) including all my frustrations, downfalls, achievements will also be posted. So basically this blog is a mish-mash of everything I have going on in my life. Whoops!