Friday, January 27, 2012

lord of the rings

I finally finished the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy last night (yeah, yeah...cue the "you're about 5 years late" comments), so naturally I felt the need to blog about such a momentous occasion by sharing my thoughts about LOTR.

  1. I have a crush on roughly 90% of the characters in Lord of the Rings. Aragorn? Yup. Legolas? Yup. Boromir? Yup. Frodo? Absolutely not. I hate Frodo & the majority of the scenes that he's in, but that's another story.
  2. Frodo sucks. I'm sorry, but it's true. I understand that he was taken over by the powers of the ring, but I really, really don't like him & every time they went to a scene with Frodo I wanted to fast forward. In reality, we all know it was Sam who really got the ring to Mordor. Let's be honest with ourselves here.
  3. Any scene when Gimli & Legolas are battling & counting how many people they killed = awesome. Especially in "Return of the King" when Legolas awesomely takes down the oliphant & Gimli says "That still counts as one." Awesome.
  4. I shed tears over this movie - I really did. I was so sad when Pippin was going away with Gandalf & he wasn't sure if he would ever see Merry ever again. Ultimate bromance. 
  5. & finally, for the grand finale, Aaron Fagan's favorite scene. I almost want him to do a guest blog post about LOTR since he's a huge fan. This YouTube video is absolutely horrible quality, but it's all I could find.

Well that's all for tonight. I wish I could say I'm going out & going crazy, but I have a cold & will be doing homework. 

1 comment:

  1. How is it that Orlando Bloom is so cool in this movie and so lame in almost everything else except Pirates of the Caribbean?
